Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Some Truths

Recently, I have been listening to some on-line preaching by a Pastor in WA. And some of his points I have heard are incredible. The benefit for me of having a broken heart is that I am greatly sensitive, tender and thirsty for the Word of God.
Each day I seek to be spoken to in a way that I haven’t before by God.
I’d like to share some of the things I have written down. Some of you may be familiar with these bible truths but it’s good to be reminded of them here and then.

*If you struggle with obedience, than you’re struggling with abiding in Christ.
*God is in the recycling business; He takes the old and transforms it into something glorious. *During the last supper, Peter at first refused Jesus to wash his feet. We like Peter believe we are self sufficient, because we don’t want to feel like we need anybody. Jesus rebukes Peter because it’s a picture that we need Jesus to clean us.
*Sin isolates us from God.
*Don’t replace God with people.
*Don’t judge God. When trials and tribulations come don’t say “God I thought you loved me?”
*God holds on to you even when you don’t hold on to Him.
*Bad eternity is worse than a bad lifetime.
*If pain is necessary to be more like Jesus, then it’s worth it.
*God is sufficient.
*We shouldn’t point our fingers when tragedy comes, because we don’t have any idea what God is going to do! We will be shocked and happy at God’s plot.
*We sin not because of our external environment but of our internal environment (our heart) *Life is filled with consequences of our own heart.
*Christian thoughts lead to Christian ways.
*Proverbs is clear on how important Godly knowledge is. The only reason why anyone would not want Godly knowledge is because they understand it and don’t like it. A fool who refuses the knowledge of God will not surround themselves with things that contradict their own decisions. *Wisdom rebukes, and when one doesn’t take heed, their life is a reflected with wickedness.
*The sound of you turning your bible pages should be the sound you hear before you make ANY decisions. We should be able to answer that we have made a decision or have come to a conclusion because we have researched the bible.
*Envying others leads to self pity which then causes you to become the center of your life.


  1. Wow!!! I just want to tell you everytimeI read one of ur blogs, how muchit inspires and encourages me to press toward the mark. Thanks for staying faithful to God. U r such a good example to me. Ilove you.

  2. Missing you! Hope your Sunday is awesome!
