Friday, January 16, 2009

When life hands you some lemons, make some lemonade!

Dear Diary,
Who would have thought that the same girl that had her heart broken recently would be able to stand up once again with such joy, strength and courage?

Well when you serve the Great I Am, I guess it’s not a surprise, is it?

Let’s rewind just a bit to fill everyone on some back round information. ((Because ultimately this is the reason I have been inspired to begin this diary))

Boy and Girl meet. Boy and Girl fall in “love”. Both desired to serve God together for the rest of their lives. Boy promises her the world. Girl trusts and gives her all to Boy. Then Boy deceives & hurts Girl. Girl turns to God like never before and God lifts Girl. Girl then realizes that even though it sucks God is far better than anyone or anything this world has to offer, including Boy.

I’d like to welcome you all to journey with me as I begin this New Year with enthusiasm of what God will do in my life. Particularly, because I’d like people to know that in spite of being deeply wounded by someone they trusted, there is still hope and life goes on. Take it from someone who knows!

I can’t thank God enough for giving me the power to stand on my own again in such a short time! I know God is here holding my hand and directing my ways and thoughts. Through it all God has given me immense understanding of His Will & sin in our lives that perhaps I needed to learn and this Boy is what He used to be an instrument to teach me.

Believe it or not, I now count it a blessing to be out of that relationship. God spared me as other’s would say. I learned that the sooner one comes to terms with the reality of it and truly believes they deserve better than that which we thought was “great” we can move on and begin the next phase of our life.
And with the fear of God and right relationship with Him, the showers of blessings will come.
Psalms 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.


  1. So glad to see you are growing and we can share your testimony! Love you girl!

  2. can't wait to read more about Girl! She is charming!

  3. Hey I came across your blog I Like It!! Cant wait for more!!!!!! Check mine out!!!

  4. Truely inspiring!....Love it. Luv Ya. God Bless =D
